If you are on Team Richmond, Team Virginia, or any Team in Training Team for the Country Music Marathon / Half Marathon, or the Saint Anthony’s Triathlon, then this thank you message is for you.
I know that several of you on Team Richmond are cancer survivors, and that others among you have lost loved ones to these awful diseases. And then there is Ed, originally on the St. Anthony’s Team, who is currently undergoing a tough battle with melanoma. So there is not a lot I can say that can match the personal reasons that you are doing this. I did want to say thank you, though, and that I know how hard you have worked to get to this point – fund raising and training.
To those headed to Country Music, I was there for the same weekend and same purpose a year ago. You will have a great time. Hopefully, it will be a tad cooler this year. Make sure you spend a few hours in the Country Music Hall of Fame. Special best wishes to Debbie and David from Team Richmond, who I trained with a few times this year.
For you triathletes, I always hold you in a bit of awe, and hope to be one of you someday. I just need to get a real bike, and learn to swim better. Okay, I need to learn to swim a lot better. And I probably have to learn how not to fall of the bike, and to understand those clickety-clack shoes you all wear. I’ve never been to Tampa, so I’d love to see photos and hear race reports.
For those of you who have survived cancer and are doing this for the first time since cancer, the feelings you will have when you cross the finish line will be incredible. For you to do something like this after surviving is an amazing experience, and a wonderful memory – particularly since you have used your recovery to help others. It is also an inspiration to cancer survivors everywhere.
So Team Nashville and Team Tampa Bay, go have a great time. You’ve earned it. For everyone of you, sincere thanks for what you are doing – for taking your time to make a difference in the lives of current and future cancer patients. For racing for a cure!
The Group Hike That Kind of Wasn't
5 years ago
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