I’d like to keep this blog rolling in the long period between the event in April and kicking off my next TNT season, probably sometime in 2010. So far, it has been 4 months, and I have been writing about what strikes my fancy at any time. But it is also an ideal time for a poll to see what people who visit think. What topics do you most like me to write about and post? Please send comments about anything specific, or anything not covered in the poll. Here are the topics I’ve come up with. Multiple answers are allowed.
A survivor’s mind – what are we thinking and how is it different than before cancer
Inspirational stories about people I meet along the way or have heard about
Tales from past TNT events
Tales from my cancer experience
Reflections on TNT and the war on cancer
Ways to cope for people with cancer, their family, and friends
Humorous reflections on things
Training updates (I am not training for a specific event right now)
The Group Hike That Kind of Wasn't
5 years ago
Humorous reflections of your training is my vote.
Thanks Ken, you can pick more than one topic.
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