Thanks everyone, 22 of you, who voted in my "What Should I do Next (2010)" poll. Here are the results:
Nike Womens' Marathon in San Francisco: 9
Mayors Marathon in Anchorage: 4
An Olymipic Distance Tri (Philly, Washington, Tampa?): 5
A Century Bike Ride (Tahoe, Tucson, Asheville?): 3
The Komen Three Day: 1
Definitely the running events came out on top, heavy to Nike. 800 guys, 24,000 or so women!
Whatever I end up doing, I appreciate the votes and the comments I got. I think I would enjoy any of them, although the foot races feel more comfortable. But maybe it would be good to step out of my comfort zone and learn to swim better, and/or get a bike and learn to ride. Seeing my friend Susan get her Triple Crown was inspiring, and it is intriguing to think of getting one myself at some point - before I get too old.
But while I have a lot to think about, I have some time, because I won't be fund raising any time soon. In the meantime, I need to get back in a regular workout habit again, and quickly. It is an easy habit to get out of if you work, because the choice is often that extra hour of sleep or going for a run. I can never get to it after work, it seems, so the early morning is my window of opportunity. So that needs to be job one, or I won't be fit to run much longer! :)
The Group Hike That Kind of Wasn't
5 years ago
Hi Art, this will be my 6th year doing the Nike Women's Marathon (actually, I'm doing the half this year...since it's the same necklace.)
I've been in Team in Training now for several consecutive seasons and will become a Triple Crown after I complete my Ironman on 8/1/09.
I've found that switching to Century after a marathon season and then now Ironman after marathon season, has gotten me in better shape to strengthen different muscles.
I think you should select the Tahoe Century and visit the West. Lake Tahoe is beautiful and you love the outdoors. Spend a few extra days in Tahoe afterwards so you can go on a hike. You won't be tired after a century ride like you would be after a marathon.
Or, if you do decide to do Tahoe, you and your wife are welcome to come to San Francisco before or afterwards and stay at my place to visit the area. Tahoe is just a 3-4 hour drive away.
Hi Jennifer - thanks for the comment. Congratulations on your pending Ironman and also the Triple Crown. Both are incredible achievements. And especially, congratulations and thanks on your multiple TNT events. Blood cancer survivors like me are survivors in part because of people like you.
One of the things I like about the idea of a Tri (but less than an IM) is what you said - that you are strengthening and using different muscles, and not over using any one group.
I like your ideas on the trips and the visit. That would be a lot of fun, and I appreciate your offer of hospitality. I am looking forward to what I choose in the next six or seven months! :)
Happy swimming, biking, and running!
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