My web page for my 2013 Team in Training Crawlin' Crab Half Marathon is all set up and ready to go. It can be viewed here.
Every now and then, I get an idea for art work that I think would be really cool on my fundraising webpage. You will see such an example on my TNT web page this year. With participating in the Crawlin' Crab event, and coming up with my slogan: "I'm Feeling Crabby About Cancer," I got an idea that I thought would be great. But despite my name, and despite having hundreds of museums around the world named after me, I have very little artistic talent. So while I could have produced the picture I wanted, it would have looked crappy and like it was done by a drunken amateur. While sleep walking. With a bag over his head. Therefore, I needed professional help. No, not that kind of professional help! Professional artistic help!
So I turned to someone who has more artistic talent in her little finger than I have in my entire body - my friend Lissa from my 2006 San Diego Marathon Team. Wow - has it really been seven years, Lissa, since we ran a race together (if Lissa finishing about 3 days ahead of me constitutes being in a race together)?
I explained to Lissa what my idea was, and sent her some baseline photos. And she came back with a great image, so hilarious I think, that now graces my web page. Lissa has helped me in the past with two of my campaigns. She drew the glasses on "Mini Art" that I overlaid on an image of the city of Seattle as part of my 2010 "Survivor in Seattle" campaign:
The image above became the basis for my "Purpleometer," in which I colored my hair purple in the picture as I approached my fundraising goal.
And she did my great campaign buttons for my 2008 - 2009 Country Music Campaign. The election was going along hot and heavy when I started fundraising and so I thought that I would use an election theme myself. And I needed campaign buttons! What kind of campaign doesn't have campaign buttons? Mine were better than Obama's or McCain's, that's for sure. They were both crying when they saw how good theirs could have been if they had used Lissa!
So here is a big shout out to Lissa (who is about to become a mom) for her great help in putting my web page over the top! Thanks, Lissa!
The Group Hike That Kind of Wasn't
5 years ago
Lissa did a fabulous job.
What a nice crab you are! : )
She sure did! I'm really happy how it turned out. Art
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