Tonight on the way home, I listened to one of my favorite carols on the radio: "Silent Night." It made me think of my sister Ann - Mimi as we called her then - singing that carol as a little girl. This will be the second Christmas without her since she lost her four year battle with breast cancer.
I wrote this in her memory last May, on the one year anniversary of her death, and decided to post it today. If you have lost someone you love recently, and mourn them, maybe their star is out there shining near my sister's.
“A New Star Shining Brightly”
You were a daughter and a sister, a mother and a friend;
Whenever someone needed help, your hand you would extend;
You created lovely landscapes; you were an engineer,
Bringing good things to life in your distinguished career
You loved your peaceful mountain home, and the creatures of the earth
You loved a great joke or pun, and would laugh with glee and mirth
You had dreams of your retired life, and rewards for job well done:
To look on Tremper Mountain, aglow from setting sun.
I remember still that day at work when I got your shocking news
Of cancer diagnosis, for I’d walked in those same shoes
I was so sure you would become a survivor just like me
But cancer, it had crueler plans, and ‘twas not meant to be
Remember, Ann, when we were kids, how we would laugh and play?
Not once did it occur to me that you’d be gone some day
But high up in the Heavens, there shines a brand new star
Whose brilliant light beams down upon us brightly from afar
You fought so hard, gave it your all, so brave and tough and strong
Enduring such an awful fight, so difficult and long
You inspired each one of us with your spirit and your grit
Cancer may have won this war but not because you quit
In two-thousand eleven, on the thirtieth of May,
You took your final labored breath, a sad Memorial Day.
To any angel listening, when next you see my sister,
Please tell her how much she is loved, and how much we have missed her.
Remember, Ann, when we were kids, how we would laugh and play?
Not once did it occur to me that you’d be gone some day
But high up in the Heavens, there shines a brand new star
Whose brilliant light beams down upon us brightly from afar
Oh Ann, I miss you every day, and remember you with love
But a new star’s shining brightly in the Heavens far above
Art Ritter
May 30, 2012
The Group Hike That Kind of Wasn't
5 years ago